Close to one in five adults in the United States will receive a diagnosis of a mental health condition at some point in their lifetime. But due the stigma that still exists around mental health, many more problems go undiagnosed. It’s vital for people not feeling their best to talk to their doctor.

In an effort to clear the confusion and open the lines of communication, Warren Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing is debunking five popular myths when it comes to mental health problems and treatment.

MYTH: Mental Disorders Are a Sign of Weakness

Mental health issues are not the fault of the person that is suffering from one. They are treatable medical disorders that can be brought on by a number of factors, including genetics, brain chemistry, and stressful or traumatic events.

MYTH: Children Don’t Experience Mental Health Problems

It’s been documented that nearly half of people with diagnosed mental illnesses that the first warning signs appeared before 14 years of age.

MYTH: Therapy Is a Waste of Time

For millions, therapy is enough to counteract the effects of issues like depression and anxiety without the need for medication. And when therapy and medicine is combined, around 90% percent of patients see improvement in their symptoms.

MYTH: Those With Mental Health Issues Are Violent

Mental illness is often a hidden disease, so there are likely far more people suffering that you realize (again, the statistics show that one in five fall into this category), and only between 3% and 5% of violent acts are committed by people with a severe mental illness.

MYTH: Not Much can Be Done to Treat Mental Health Problems

Research shows that 44% of adults and 20% of children get the help they need for mental health issues. But as we mentioned, both medication and behavioral interventions like therapy are effective treatments for this medical disorder.


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