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Featured: Alyssa Cullember
How I got stronger at Warren Center

Alyssa Cullember
Warren Center

Benjamin Gonzalez
Former Patient at Warren CenterI had just started dialysis, and combined with my high blood pressure and congestive heart failure, I was extremely weak. I was totally dependent on others to get around. Going to Warren Center for my rehab made a world of difference. The therapists worked me hard, but they were amazing. I felt myself getting stronger every day. Less than a month and a half, and I was walking and moving around on my own. Thanks to the wonderful team at Warren Center, I’m thrilled to be back home!

Former Patient at Warren CenterI had recently fallen and injured my back. I needed help getting stronger. My doctor said I have hypertension and osteoarthritis. The facility at Warren Center was nice. I was able to get my strength back because of my therapy team. Plus, I could walk around Warren Center, which was great. Thank you, Warren Center. And thank you to the therapy team for helping me to regain my ability to walk. I am glad to go home but thankful for Warren Center.

Carolyn Konig
Former Patient at Warren Center"I could barely get around, my legs were so weak, and I had trouble keeping my balance. My condition left me frustrated and befuddled—I didn’t know what to do about it. I felt helpless. But when I went to Warren Center, help arrived. The team there is excellent. They are professional, knowledgeable and—important to me—they have a sense of humor. I enjoyed being around them. The therapists had a real insight into what needed to be done to improve my flexibility and balance. I can’t name all the people at Warren Center who helped me—it’s just too many—but as a team they gave me a feeling of personal and physical growth. I’m so happy that I chose Warren Center for my rehab."

Casey Corrow
Former Patient at Warren CenterI have cirrhosis of the liver, I’m bipolar, and I have brain disease. I was having trouble with my balance—physically and mentally. I was so unsteady, I couldn’t do the simplest things. I needed serious help. Thanks to Warren Center, I got it. The team designed a plan that addressed both my physical and mental issues. The therapists, nurses, and recreation department all worked together to get me back on track. The Warren Center team helped me get my balance back. My confidence and strength were growing. I was there for little over a month, and in that time they taught me how to take care of myself again so I could go home!

Charles Blunt
Former Patient at Warren CenterI have Parkinson’s disease and I’m pretty unsteady on my feet, which is why I took a fall and broke my arm. I knew it would take time to heal, but fortunately I had the best help in the world. I went to Warren Center for my rehab, and they were terrific. It wasn’t just about healing my arm, the team there put together a customized plan for me that took into account my Parkinson’s. The medical staff, therapy, and activities were all a part of the plan. It took two months, but I’m so much stronger and stable on my feet now. I can walk on my own and even climb stairs with confidence.

Elene Gooze
Formert Patient at Warren Center"I broke my leg and my ankle. Add that to the fact that I already had chronic kidney disease…it was all just too much for me. I could barely function on my own and I was anxious all the time. I was depressed. All of that turned around for me because of the rehab staff at Warren Center. I got so much more out of this than I ever thought I would. I can do things for myself now that I couldn't even do before my injury. All of my therapists were professional and confident. They motivated me to do my very best every single day. I am so happy I can go home, but will definitely miss the people that I met there and all of the wonderful care that I received at Warren Center."

Eskey Moore
Former Patient at Warren CenterI have diabetes, and due to complications, I had to have a leg amputated. It was extremely difficult—physically and emotionally. I was a little scared and apprehensive about going to rehab and didn’t really know what the next steps would be in my recovery. Fortunately, I spoke to Pam, who represented Warren Center at the hospital. She gave me the facts and instilled the confidence to understand the rehab I needed. The staff there is so warm and attentive. They reassured me that, although it would be a challenge, I would be healed—physically and emotionally. They definitely kept their promise. It wasn’t easy but I did heal and made some new friends along the way that helped make the recovery easier. The entire team at Warren Center made sure to take a part in making my stay comfortable and keeping me focused on the road to recovery. Recovering is work, but I was successful due to the team at Warren Center, and I couldn’t be more grateful.

Former Patient at Warren CenterI had a heart valve replacement and was in the hospital for 9 days. I was laid up in bed, lost strength and needed a lot of help. The therapy and the staff are wonderful— Nursing, Housekeeping, Maintenance, Kitchen, Dietary, everyone. I was pleased with all aspects of the building. Before my admission I knew nothing about this place, it was a pleasant surprise, I will definitely recommend Warren Center to my family and friends if they ever need rehab.

Kathelyn Mendenhall
Former Patient at Warren CenterWhere do I start? I have diabetes, which got into my legs. It was painful and debilitating. I also have arthritis and I had COVID. In short, I couldn’t walk or do anything for myself. Fortunately, I was admitted to Warren Center for my rehab. The therapy and therapists are exceptional. They encouraged me at every stage, made me feel I could accomplish anything if I committed to it. And I did. I made dramatic improvement, and thanks to the Warren Center team—my team—I’m thrilled to be back on my feet and back home with my husband!

Lawrence Morrill
Former Patient at Warren CenterI had a toe amputated and couldn’t walk. I was very weak throughout my body—every muscle seemed to be affected by the loss of that one toe. The team at Warren Center was great. They treated me really well. The rehab team got me stronger and able to walk again. It took three months of hard work, but the important thing is, I’m home and back on my own. I would recommend Warren Center for rehab.

Marion Lamphere
Former Patient at Warren CenterAfter having surgery on my hip, I was in terrible pain. My condition was made even worse because of high blood pressure and my bad heart. I couldn’t get around without help. Getting admitted to Warren Center made all the difference in the world. They helped me manage the pain, reduce and finally stop it. And the therapy team is great and very caring. The entire Warren Center team was so nice and polite, and they all helped me get stronger and more active. They treated me so well—physically and emotionally. I highly recommend them to anyone needing rehab.

Mary Hundertmark
Former Patient at Warren CenterI took a bad fall and broke my hip. I couldn’t walk and needed help for just about any kind of activity. I got that help from Warren Center—twice! I needed hip replacement surgery, and the therapists at Warren Center helped me before the surgery and then again after. But it wasn’t just my hip. I also have Chronic Kidney Disease, and the Warren Center dietitian conferred with my doctor to make sure that my meals were right for me. Thanks to the Warren Center team, I’ve made a complete recovery. I’m so happy to be back home and couldn’t have done it without them.

Richard Collins
Former Patient at Warren CenterThere was too much fluid in my body and the swelling made me feel weak, nauseous and confused. Once I came to Warren Center, I knew I had found the right place. The facility was very accommodating and I was able to get stronger every day. My balance improved and my symptoms went away. The best part was that I felt so supported because everyone wanted me to get better. After a little more than 2 weeks at Warren Center, I felt ready to go home. Even though I needed supervision for the first few days after my discharge, I was able to do basic tasks. I would recommend this facility to anyone who needs rehab.

Robert Wyant
Former Patient at Warren Center"I developed a painful infection on my leg—it’s called cellulitis. Between my obesity and diabetes, I am prone to that kind of problem. Thankfully, I knew exactly what to do about it. I went to Warren Center. I had been there before, and I knew that the rehab is great—and they came through for me again. The medical team treated the infection, and the physical and occupational therapists got me back on my feet. After just two months I was ready to return home. The Warren Center team has inspired me and given me a positive healthcare plan going forward. Now, I’m determined to stay strong—and stay home in my community!"

Roger Boulton
Former Patient at Warren CenterI had experienced multiple falls at home, and my family was very worried about how I was doing. I talked to my doctor, and he suggested spending some time in rehab. He recommended Warren Center—and what a terrific recommendation it turned out to be. The therapy staff is amazing. They really know their stuff, and every day they helped me get a little stronger and to relearn how to remain steady on my feet. As great as the therapy department is, the same can be said of the entire Warren Center team. I’ve returned home and I haven’t had a single fall. I move around the house with confidence and a smile on my face. My family is overjoyed that they don’t have to worry about me anymore. Thank you to the entire team at Warren Center your efforts are greatly appreciated.

Ron Rawson
Former Patient at Warren CenterI was so out of it—pneumonia, COPD, cirrhosis—that I have no idea how I ended up at Warren Center. What I do know is how lucky I was to be there. The Warren Center team literally brought me back to my senses. They taught me how to walk, talk and swallow again. The therapists were life-savers. I may not remember how I got to Warren Center, but I’ll never forget what they did for me!

Ronald Ruggles
Former Patient at Warren CenterI’m 94 years old, and I live at home with my wife, who is both blind and hard of hearing. When I took a fall at home, I was sent to Glens Falls Hospital, where I learned I had fractured my hip. I was worried that, under the circumstances, I would never be able to live at home the way I had before. But when I was transferred to Warren Center for rehab, I was pleased and surprised to learn that their goal was the same as mine: getting me back home to my wife and my life. Rehab can be a challenge, but the team at Warren Center is congenial and very good at what they do. I became friendly with all of them. It is the best place to go for rehab. And because I went there, I’m back home now, getting stronger every day.

Benjamin Gonzalez
Former Patient at Warren CenterI had just started dialysis, and combined with my high blood pressure and congestive heart failure, I was extremely weak. I was totally dependent on…

Former Patient at Warren CenterI had recently fallen and injured my back. I needed help getting stronger. My doctor said I have hypertension and osteoarthritis. The facility at Warren…

Carolyn Konig
Former Patient at Warren Center"I could barely get around, my legs were so weak, and I had trouble keeping my balance. My condition left me frustrated and befuddled—I didn’t…

Casey Corrow
Former Patient at Warren CenterI have cirrhosis of the liver, I’m bipolar, and I have brain disease. I was having trouble with my balance—physically and mentally. I was so…

Charles Blunt
Former Patient at Warren CenterI have Parkinson’s disease and I’m pretty unsteady on my feet, which is why I took a fall and broke my arm. I knew it…

Elene Gooze
Formert Patient at Warren Center"I broke my leg and my ankle. Add that to the fact that I already had chronic kidney disease…it was all just too much for…

Eskey Moore
Former Patient at Warren CenterI have diabetes, and due to complications, I had to have a leg amputated. It was extremely difficult—physically and emotionally. I was a little scared…

Former Patient at Warren CenterI had a heart valve replacement and was in the hospital for 9 days. I was laid up in bed, lost strength and needed a…

Kathelyn Mendenhall
Former Patient at Warren CenterWhere do I start? I have diabetes, which got into my legs. It was painful and debilitating. I also have arthritis and I had COVID.…

Lawrence Morrill
Former Patient at Warren CenterI had a toe amputated and couldn’t walk. I was very weak throughout my body—every muscle seemed to be affected by the loss of that…

Marion Lamphere
Former Patient at Warren CenterAfter having surgery on my hip, I was in terrible pain. My condition was made even worse because of high blood pressure and my bad…

Mary Hundertmark
Former Patient at Warren CenterI took a bad fall and broke my hip. I couldn’t walk and needed help for just about any kind of activity. I got that…

Richard Collins
Former Patient at Warren CenterThere was too much fluid in my body and the swelling made me feel weak, nauseous and confused. Once I came to Warren Center, I…

Robert Wyant
Former Patient at Warren Center"I developed a painful infection on my leg—it’s called cellulitis. Between my obesity and diabetes, I am prone to that kind of problem. Thankfully, I…

Roger Boulton
Former Patient at Warren CenterI had experienced multiple falls at home, and my family was very worried about how I was doing. I talked to my doctor, and he…

Ron Rawson
Former Patient at Warren CenterI was so out of it—pneumonia, COPD, cirrhosis—that I have no idea how I ended up at Warren Center. What I do know is how…

Ronald Ruggles
Former Patient at Warren CenterI’m 94 years old, and I live at home with my wife, who is both blind and hard of hearing. When I took a fall…
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